Category : Speakers
Top model, contains the best ceramic chassis from Accuton as well as an Air Motion Transformer from Mundorf . In the course of the conceptual planning, some targets were set, such as:
This required:
The concept of the Myro Heaven's Gate is being resumed on a smaller scale for the number and arrangement of the chassis. Exception: In the tweeter, no array of three AMT is used here, but an Air Motion Transformer (AMT) from Mundorf , developed exclusively for the Time 2, is used. This AMT is larger and more powerful than the serial types. The midrange drivers are also close to production, but have been specially modified for the best tonal result.
Due to the very large diaphragm area (900 square meters) and the closed, large-volume housing of the loudspeaker, excellent low-frequency reproduction is achieved. The swing-in and swing-out behavior is favored by the very low installation quality and is one of the absolute top. The extremely complex, passive equalization of the woofer in the crossover took several months in the development. In order to calm the grilles in front of the membranes and prevent a negative tonal impact, they are provided with plastic nubs in some places. The housing contains struts inside, which do not lead to parallel surfaces, so that no standing waves can form. The crossover is located behind the aluminum side panels. For better heat dissipation, air vents are included in it.
The emission behavior is directed vertically and wide open horizontally. In practice, this has the consequence that relatively little energy is radiated in the mid- and high-frequency range in the direction of the floor and ceiling and thus the unpleasant first reflections are mitigated. This is ideal for a speaker in the living room and not only there! The vertical emission behavior, the fading, runs extremely evenly. At the optimal listening distance of more than 3.5 m, the listeners can lie on the sofa or sit on a bar stool without significant signal deformations clouding the sound picture. The tweeter of the Time has a high narrow diaphragm. Its sound radiation is more directed vertically and less directed horizontally. The reproduced signal forms (input = output) are excellent under horizontal listening angles. In practice, this means that the listeners can sit widely distributed on their seating furniture in their living room.
New price: 38000 Euro
Assembly Tweeter: 1 x Air Motion Transformer Mundorf AMT26-Myro-V2 Midrange: 2 x Accuton C50-8-043 (special model for myro) Midrange and woofer: 4 x ACCUTON C220-6-222
A special OFFICE
... with Myro Magic Musica
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A special OFFICE
... with Myro Magic Musica