Musical Fidelity M6 specifications
Category : CD-Player
Brand : Fidelity
Tech nical data
Special equipment
Other models of the same series:
- Manufacturer: Musica l Fidelity
- Model: M6
- Years of manufacture :
- Manufactured in:
- Color:
- Remote control:
- Power consumption: 20 watts maximum
- Dimensions: 440 x125 x385 mm (WxHxD ; with feet)
- Weight: 11.2kg
- Factory price approx.:
- Number of inputs:
- Number of outputs:
- Output impedance 50 ohms
- output, digital 0dB level
- XLR output - 4.4V R.M.S. nominal
- RCA output - 2.2V R.M.S. nominal
< /ul>- Output impedance 50 ohms
- output, digital 0dB level
- XLR output - 4.4V R.M.S. nominal
- RCA output - 2.2V R.M.S. nominal
- Converter:
- Frequency response: 10Hz to 20kHz -0.2dB max.
- Dynamic range:
- Signal-to-noise ratio: >117dB “A”- weighted.
- Total harmonic distortion: <0.003% 10Hz to 20kHz
- Channel separation: >105dB 20Hz to 20kHz
- CD text:
- MP3 support:
- Pitch control:
- Automatic playback:
- Shuffle:
- Title -Programming:
- Repeat:
- Plays CD-R/CD-RW/HDCD:
Comment box:
Musical Fidelity M6 relate