Harman/kardon Signature 1.5 specifications
Category : Power amplifiers
Tech nical data
special features
- manufacturer: Harman/kardon
- model: Signature 1.5
- type: Amplifier
- year of construction: 1997 - 2001
- colour: black
- remote control: no
- power consumption: max. 600 W
- dimensions: 438 x 191 x 387 mm (WxHxD)
- weight: 21 kg
- factory price approx.: 3'499 DM
- number of inputs: 2
- 2 x RCA (Stereo, 1V, 33 kOhm ) => 25kOhm , 250pF (According to the Test in the Audiophile 4/00)
- number of outputs: 2
- 2 x RCA (Stereo, 1V, 33 kOhm ) => 25kOhm , 250pF (According to the Test in the Audiophile 4/00)
- the duration of the performance (total harmonic distortion)
- 8 Ohm : 2 x 200W => 250 W (According to the Test in the Audiophile 4/00)
- 4 Ohm : 2 x 325W => 420 W (According to the Test in the Audiophile 4/00)
- 8 Ohm Mono (bridged): 650 W
- dynamic performance
- overall high - current capability (HCC): + / - 130 A
- THD: 0,03%
- damping factor: 380 @ 100 Hz / 60 @ 10kHz (According to the Test in the Audiophile 4/00)
- frequency response: 1 - 170.000 Hz
- signal-to-noise ratio: 109 dB
- 8 Ohm : 2 x 200W => 250 W (According to the Test in the Audiophile 4/00)
- 4 Ohm : 2 x 325W => 420 W (According to the Test in the Audiophile 4/00)
- 8 Ohm Mono (bridged): 650 W
- Standby circuit over cable pre-amplifier (6-12V)
- Sounds with low capacitive cable boxes on the best (According to the Test in the Audiophile 4/00]
- Additional data in the "Hi-Fi Engine": [1]
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