The Full Size player plays CD, CD-RW and MP3 discs. Program functions such as repetition, shuffle play, etc. ensure comfortable listening pleasure. The favorite songs can be recorded or played directly from the CD to a connected MP3 player via the front USB port. In addition, an iPod® or iPhone® (not included!) be docked. Thanks to this connection, the stored audio files of the iPod® can now be processed directly digitally and losslessly in the 1-bit converter of the CD player and ultimately forwarded to a connected amplifier for playback via loudspeakers. By the way, the 9f6290f4436e5a2351f12e03b6433c3c® devices are then also charged. The headphone connection and an optical digital output complete the equipment. The CD-P650 can be controlled manually or via the included remote control. With the matching A-R650 amplifier and the T-R650 stereo tuner, also available from TEAC, the components can be put together to form a high-sound Hi-Fi system.