Pioneer VSX-922 specifications

Category : A/V-Receiver

Brand : Pioneer


Tech nical data

Unfortunately, the VSX-922 was shipped with a faulty digital signal processor (DSP) from Texas Instruments (TI) (premature aging Q1). AV receivers with faulty Texas Instruments DSPs show the UE22 error after some time, which makes the devices unusable (no sound output and UE22 error message on the display). The error is not visible directly when switching on, since the error message usually only appears after prolonged operation. The faulty DSP chips were installed in all Pioneer AV receivers between 2011 and the beginning of 2013. Pioneer was sold to Onkyo during this period and no exchange program was offered. The model number of the faulty chips is: D810K013BZKB4 (B version) and D808K013CPTP4 (C version). Later, TI delivered corrected D versions of the DSPs (for the 2011 model year, the 8D810K013DZKB4 and the D808K013DPTP4 for the 2012 model year). Devices with a new DSP were delivered via an exchange program in the USA and Canada. In Europe, the repair was never offered. Theoretically, it is possible to replace the chip on the board, since the D-Version chip is a pin-by-pin identical function replacement. Q2 Q3

  • Manufacturer: Pioneer
  • Model: VSX-922
  • Type: A/V receiver
  • Years of construction: 2012 - 2013
  • Factory price approx.: 549 Euro
  • Data at "Hifi-Engine" [1]
  • More data on "Area DVD" [2]
  • Report on "Area DVD" [3]

Pioneer VSX-922


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