Hornmanufaktur specifications

Category : Manufacturer

Horns for individualists

qui habet aures audiendi audiat


Under the direction of the studied opera director and sound engineer Gerald Hüpfel, the horn manufactory from Jennersdorf in the Raabtal Nature Park develops and manufactures optically independent wideband horn loudspeakers beyond the mainstream.

Hornmanufaktur Product lines:

In cooperation with specialized carpenters of the region, special concepts are created in craftsmanship perfection, visual appearance and pleasing proportions. The surfaces are freely selectable from various local woods as well as all RAL colors.

The design principles are based on sophisticated horn geometries on the one hand, which minimize the notorious waviness and phase rotations of the sound emitted from the rear by the driver, and on the other hand on full-range loudspeakers, which are created completely according to the specifications of the horn manufactory.

The housing walls are made of several layers in a complex sandwich construction and immobilized with stiffeners and bitumen pads.

This results in a high internal density, which effectively nips resonances in the bud. Due to the complex bends, standing waves cannot even form inside. Cavities are filled with a sound-absorbing material. The precision achieved with this does not require any further discussion.

Opening hours:

Monday to Friday 9.00 - 17.00


  • Loudspeaker


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