Hans G. Hennel SUMMIT BT 110 specifications
Category : Speakers
Tech nical data
Special equipment
Other models of the same series:
- Manufacturer: Hans G. Hennel
- Model: SUMMIT BT 110
- Years of manufacture: Production period of the SUMMIT brand 1971-1979 (o.Gew.). Please correct if model specific data is known.
- Manufactured in:
- Color:
- Dimensions: 24 x 40 x 22cm (WxHxD)
- Weight: 7kg
- Factory price approx.:
- Type of construction:
- Chassis:
< li>Resilience (nominal/musical b.): 60/110 Watt - Efficiency:
- Frequency response:
- Transition ranges: (for LS with multiple chassis)
- Impedance: 4Ohm
- Rotary control for changing the high-frequency reproduction
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Hans G. Hennel SUMMIT BT 110 relate