Category : Draft
Here we try to list the legendary cassette decks of all time. For example, Nakamichi DRAGON and Teac Z-7000 . Primarily, devices with very low synchronisation fluctuations and wide frequency response are listed here. The devices with Dolby S noise reduction can be found here: Dolby S cassette decks in comparison.
Please enter no more than a maximum of four top cassette decks per manufacturer and under 0.03 % Synchronisation fluctuations according to WRMS . Synchronisation fluctuations according to DIN are not taken into account.
In consumer electronics, high-end refers to a separate branch of audio technology. High-end devices also "state of the art" - hifi-Wiki lists "The legendary cassette decks in comparison", which have synchronisation fluctuations of less than 0.03% and a wide frequency response. The recording and playback of such devices have the claim to reproduce music on the original of the artist and the sound engineer.
Professional cassette decks were able to achieve 0.02% synchronization fluctuations in the 80's, which was described as no longer audible. Many of these devices were mainly manufactured at the beginning of the 80s.
Normal cassette decks reached values around 0.08% WRMS , which is still audible in some situations. Cassette decks with upscale equipment had synchronization fluctuations by 0,04 % to 0,06%.
Real high-end cassette decks managed to get closer to the magic 0.02% mark and some, like the Dragon, even slightly below it.
Head types: