Yamaha T-720 specifications
Category : Tuner
Brand : Yamaha
Technical data
Special equipment
Other models of the same series:
- Manufacturer: Yamaha
- Model: T-720
- Years of manufacture: 1985-1986
- Manufactured in:
- Color: silver and black
- Remote control: No
- Power consumption:
- Dimensions: 43.5x7.25x31.6cm
- Weight: 3.3Kg
- Factory price approx.: 650,- DM
- Number of Enumerate outputs
- Number of inputs
Enumerate inputs here- Reception:
- Frequencies:
- Frequency response:
- Input sensitivity: 0.9/50 µV (mono/stereo according to DIN)
- Total harmonic distortion: 0.1%
- Signal-to-noise ratio: 78 dB (Stereo DIN)
- Channel separation: 45 dB
- Selectivity: 55 dB (IHF)
- Common-wave Selection:
- Sidewave Selection:
- Mirror Frequency Attenuation:
- IF Attenuation:
- AM Suppression:
- Output Level:
- RDS: No
- Station Memory: 20
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