Stero Issue 6/2008; 3rd place out of 3: Sound level: 71%
Price/performance: "very good"
"... The frequency response is balanced and without significant drops. ... extremely amplifier-friendly and should even run with less powerful tubes. The efficiency of just under 86 decibels definitely speaks for it."
Hifi & Records Issue 2/2008; Single test: without endnote
"... as far as its type of playing is concerned, the Genèse Lyrr becomes a small cello in an optimal hardware environment... I wish both of them the success in this country of ours that they deserve due to their tonal competence and that they have been enjoying in their homeland for many years."
Price/performance: "very good"
"... The frequency response is balanced and without significant drops. ... extremely amplifier-friendly and should even run with less powerful tubes. The efficiency of just under 86 decibels definitely speaks for it."
"... as far as its type of playing is concerned, the Genèse Lyrr becomes a small cello in an optimal hardware environment... I wish both of them the success in this country of ours that they deserve due to their tonal competence and that they have been enjoying in their homeland for many years."