Sony TC-FX 5 specifications
Category : Cassette decks
Brand : Sony
Tech nical Data
- Manufacturer: Sony
- Model: TC-FX 5, TC-FX 5 C (with Dolby C)
- Type: Cassette Tape Deck
- Years of construction: 1980 - 1982
- Manufactured in: Japan
- Color: Silver
- Factory price approx.:
- TC-FX 5: 598 DM
- TC-FX 5 C: 748 DM
- TC-FX 5: 598 DM
- TC-FX 5 C: 748 DM
- Other models of the same series:
- Sony TC-FX 2
- Sony TC-FX 3
- Sony TC-FX 4
- Sony TC-FX 5
- Sony TC-FX 6
- Sony TC-FX 7
- Sony TC-K 777
- Excerpt from Prospectus: Sony TC-FX 4, TC-FX 5
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