station memory: 32 for FM/MW; DSR 16 fixed programs on a per-package
DSR cable: 50 - 470 Mhz (100 kHz steps)
DSR satellite: 950 - 2050 Mhz (500 kHz steps)
FM: 87.5 - 108 Mhz
MW: 531 - 1601 kHz
DSR: 15 Hz - 15 kHz (± 0.2 dB)
FM: 30 Hz - 15 kHz (± 0.5 dB)
DSR: 45 - 95 dBµV
Mono: 1,1 µV
Stereo: 35 µV
DSR: 0,006%
FM Mono: 0,2%
FM Stereo: 0.4% a
DSR: 110 dB (A rating)
FM Mono: 78 dB
FM Stereo: 74 dB
DSR: 102 dB
FM: 45 dB
"Narrow": 70 dB
"Wide": 45 dB (at 300 kHz)
Display dimmable
signal strength meter in the Display callable
DSR relative values 35 - 90
FM proportional to the Signal-to-noise ratio
DSR language/ music Balance adjustment
DSR relative values 35 - 90
FM proportional to the Signal-to-noise ratio
unlike today's digital transmission method (e.g. DAB) in the case of DSR, the increase in the program number, but the improvement of the transmission quality in the foreground. The only digital radio without a data-reduced audio signal.
The device is no longer usable today, as DSR was switched off in Germany on January 16, 1999 and in the Swiss cable network on December 31, 2003.