Rotel RB-985 MK II specifications
Category : Power amplifiers
Brand : Rotel
Tech nical data
Other models from the same series:
user manual Rotel RB-985 MKII Homepage Rotel
- manufacturer: Rotel
- back to the Rotel power amplifiers
- model: RB-985 MKII
- type: class A/B five-axis amplifier
- year of construction: 1998 - 2000
- Made in: China
- color: black
- factory price approx.: 1.999,- DM
- CD-Changer
- Rotel RCC-935
- Rotel RCC-945
- Rotel RCC-955
- D/A converters
- Rotel RDP-980
- voltage stabilization:
- Rotel RLC-900
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