Number of inputs: - Microphone 3 mV/100 k643961b8da111c0a15d770a1109a86d4, -Magnetic or dynamic pickups 3 mV/47 k643961b8da111c0a15d770a1109a86d4, -Crystal or ceramic pickups 230 mV/800 k643961b8da111c0a15d770a1109a86d4, -Tape/tuner, 100 mV/100 k643961b8da111c0a15d770a1109a86d4, -Reserve 100 mV/330 k643961b8da111c0a15d770a1109a86d4, -Tape/monitor 250 mV/50 k643961b8da111c0a15d770a1109a86d4
Number of outputs: -Speakers 4 to 16 643961b8da111c0a15d770a1109a86d4 (with simultaneous operation of 2 speaker groups, each min. 8 643961b8da111c0a15d770a1109a86d4) , -Tape for tape recorders with min. 175 mV sensitivity and min. 50 k643961b8da111c0a15d770a1109a86d4 input impedance, -Headphones for headphones with impedances of 5 ohms and higher
Continuous power(with total harmonic distortion)
8 643961b8da111c0a15d770a1109a86d4s: 80 watts (2 × 40 watts) <0.1 % (1000 Hz) <0.3 % in the range 40-15,000 Hz