Hitachi D-X 10 specifications
Category : Autoreverse cassette decks
Brand : Hitachi
Tech nical data
- Manufacturer: Hitachi
- Model: D-X 10
- Type: Cassette Tape Deck
- Years of construction: 1985 - 1987
- Remote control:
- Factory price approx.: 660 US$, 1'500 DM
Finish Black - Dolby: B and C
- Wow and Flutter: 0.03
- Freq Resp (Metal tape): 20-Hz to 21-kHz
- SNR: 75-dB (with Dolby C)
- Dimensions: 435-mm × 115-mm × 281-mm
- Heads: 3
- Motors: 2 (IDD)
- Soft/IC Logic IC: Logic
- Timer Compatible: Yes
- Auto Memory Rewind: Yes
- Scan Play: Yes
- SPSS: Yes
- DRPS: Yes
- Off Tape Monitoring: Yes
- LED Meters: -
- FL Metersv Yes
- FL Counter: Yes
- Time Elapse: Yes
- Auto Reverse: Yes
Hitachi D-X 10 relate