Category : Integrated amplifier
Video Switching, with optional power Electronic switch: Function Tape Record Out Push-Pull input circuits Subsonic Filter , Phase-Correct Loudness Main Direct Bass Tone Control, Treble Tone Control Tone Defeat 2 Pairs of speaker connectors Phono input MM/MC output power/THD FTC 8 Ohm 120 Watt/0,08% HCC70 amp frequency response: 0.2 Hz-180 kHz execution: champagne and black
output power RMS (DIN) 4 Ohm s per channel 130 Watt-per-channel sine wave continuous power (FTC) 20Hz-20kHz 2-channel mode, 8 Ohm s: 120 watts per channel into < 0,08% TH D 4 Ohm s: 120 watts per channel into <0,08% THD Dynamic power (IHF, 1 kHz signal pulse) per channel High-Voltage/High-Current Mode at 8 Ohm s: 160 watts, 4 Ohm s: 240 watts 2 Ohm s: 360 watts of High Current Mode, 4 Ohm s: 160 2 Ohm s: 240 HCC (high short-time current tax assets): ± 70 amp Geqenkopplunq (total): 12dB power bandwidth at half of the output leistunq at 8 Ohm s: < 10Hz-100kHz Frequenzganq at an output of 1 Watt, + 0/-3dB: 0.2 Hz-180kHz slew rate: 280 V/µ sec square wave rise time: 1.8 µ sec Einschwinqungsbedingte distortion (TIM): unmeasurable Dämpfunqsfaktor: 70, signal to Noise ratio in the case of continuous performance (A-wtd) Phono (MM): 80dB Phono (MC): 76 dB Video/CD: 98dB Main-In: --- input sensitivity/impedance Phono (mm): 2.5 mV/47 kOhm , 125pf Phono (MC): 135 µV/56 Ohm Video/CD: 250 mv/22 Kohm Main-In: --- Mono-overload level (MM/MC): 120 mV/12 mV RIAA equalization 20Hz-20kHz: ± 0.2 dB control range, Bass (50Hz)/treble (10kHz): ± 10dB Subsonic Filter : 15Hz, 6dB/Octave
height-filter: - Sound--- bass-contour, Anhebunq at 50 Hz: +6 dB
phase shift in the case of bass-contour (300Hz-20kHz): < 5Grad
dimensions width x height x depth) 443 x 160 x 400mm weight 16kg