Fischer & Fischer SN-SL 220 specifications
Category : Speakers
Tech nical data
Special equipment
Other models of the same series:
- Manufacturer: Fischer & Fischer
- Model: SN-SL 220
- Years of construction:
- Manufactured in:
- Color:
- Dimensions: 910mm x 230mm x 320mm (W x H x D)
- Weight: 49 kg
- Factory price approx.:
- Type of construction: Phase-linear 2-way passive speaker
- Chassis:
- Low-midrange system: Dynaudio 17W75 4 Ohm with 75mm voice coil
- Mid-tweeter system: Dynaudio ESOTEC D-260
- Load capacity (nominal/musical b.):
- Efficiency:
- Frequency Response:
- 27-22000 Hz
- 36-22000 Hz +/- 3 dB
- Transition ranges: (for LS with multiple chassis)
- Impedance: 4 ohm (+/- 0.2ohm)
- Impedance correction 20 Hz - 1 MHz
- Low Midrange System: Dynaudio 17W75 4 ohm with 75mm voice coil
- Midrange Tweeter System: Dynaudio ESOTEC D-260
- 27-22000 Hz
- 36-22000 Hz +/- 3 dB
- Impedance correction 20 Hz - 1 MHz
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