Category : Integrated amplifier
Brand : Denon
Technical data
In test reports, the device comes off well to very well,whereby it is always emphasized-price ranges related-.Usually they are then also expressed diffusely,all or nothing.But rarely a device from a well-known manufacturer is sometimes subject to negative criticism,in my observation at least. Now c279c1ef3fe7ca1956b057d2e95af71b is a brand with a great tradition and a manufacturer with a common thread in the product range. So I was also surprised by the CD player 720AE,which is already very good. But this little amp does it nicht.Er has a lot of power,but its sound is only mediocre-also related to the price.Or in other words, it discolours something,sounds rough,there is little airiness in the sound and little dynamics,the music sticks a little to the speakers and the spatiality-could be better.When listening, there is no joy,he sounds correct,yes,like an office worker in a suit(does not want to offend anyone here,sorry).
His workmanship / equipment is good and valuable, you can't complain-he even has Elna Silmic II electrolytic capacitors in the power amplifier,that's rare-especially in this price range! The source Direct circuit is a bit strange - it has a sound-killing effect,cuts off the treble and reduces the volume, very strange- so better without listening. So no clear purchase recommendation.Of course, you can live with the device and some people will credit it with sufficiently good sound characteristics,but I don't like it.A sound tuning or the choice of an 80s amp is recommended, they are usually much better even today.